% Shield Recharge Rate and % Shield Recharge Delay per level.
Kill Skill. Killing an enemy gives you % Gun Damage and % Movement Speed per level for a short time.
Scorched Earth
Adds Multi-Rocket Pods to your Sabre Turret. 22 Rockets per Volley. Also Increases Axton's Explosive Damage by 10%
Damaging an enemy regenerates % of your Maximum Health per second per level for 3 seconds.
Grenade Capacity per level.
% Action Skill Cooldown Rate per level.
Double Up
Adds a second gun to the Sabre Turret and both guns fire Slag bullets. Also increases Sabre Turret Damage by 30%.
% Gun Damage and % Accuracy per level.
% weapon swap and aim speed per level; % movement speed when aiming per level.
% Magazine Size.
Metal Storm
Kill Skill. Killing an enemy gives % Fire Rate and % Recoil Reduction per level for a short time.
% Recoil Reduction, % Grenade Damage, and % Rocket Launcher damage per level.
Longbow Turret
% Turret Deploy Range, % Turret Health.
% Gun, Critical Hit Damage, and Grenade damage per level while turret is deployed.
Duty Calls
% Gun Damage and % Critical Hit Damage with non-elemental guns.
Do or Die
Allows you to throw grenades while in Fight for Your Life. % Grenade and Rocket Launcher damage.
% Gun Damage, Accuracy, Critical Hit Damage, Fire Rate, Magazine Size, Reload Speed, and Maximum Health per level.
Deploying your Sabre Turret sets off a small Nuclear Blast and passively increase Axton's Cooldown Rate by 20%.
% Maximum Health per level.
% shield capacity per level; regenerate % health per second per level when shields are full.
Last Ditch Effort
% Gun Damage and % Movement Speed per level during Fight For Your Life.
Up to % Reload Speed and % Shield Recharge Delay per level depending on how low your health is.
% Status Effect duration on you and % Damage Reduction per level.
Phalanx Shield
Your Sabre Turret projects a shield that attempts to block enemy ranged fire but lets friendly ranged attacks pass through and passively increases Axton's Shield Capacity by 20%
Quick Charge
Kill Skill. Killing an enemy regenerates % of your shield per second per level for a short time.
Crisis Management
% Gun Damage and % Damage Reduction per level when shields are depleted.
Your Sabre Turret can be deployed on walls and ceilings.
You have a % chance per level to ignore damage that would otherwise kill you. In addition to not taking damage from the attack, you will also regain half your Maximum health.
Allows you to deploy two Sabre Turrets. Additionally gives the turret 30% Fire Rate and 3 more shots per burst.